Tuesday, November 29, 2016

ACM: Speeches by Management

Cover of the "Speeches by Management" advanced manual
Managers encounter a variety of speaking situations in the work environment. This manual offers instruction in giving briefings, preparing and presenting technical speeches, motivating a team, giving a status report and speaking to a hostile group.

Project #1: The Briefing
Executive Summary:
A briefing is the abridged presentation of a topic designed to quickly and competently inform listeners. A versatile tool, the briefing must distill details and be easily understood.

  • Organize your briefing material tailoring to your audience's need.
  • Give a briefing according to a specific objective (explain, instruct, persuade, or report) so the audience will have an understanding of the information.
  • Effectively handle a question-and answer session following the briefing
  • TIME : 3 to 5 minutes for speech – 2 to 3 minutes for the question period.
Note to the Evaluator:
The purpose of this presentation is for the speaker to deliver a three- to five-minute briefing to explain, instruct, persuade, or report. The goal of the briefing is the effective communication of information to accomplish specific objectives. The speaker may use visual aids. A two- to three minute question-and-answer session should follow the presentation. In addition to your verbal evaluation, please write answers to the questions below.

Project #2: Appraise With Praise
Executive Summary:
Everyone benefits from productive feedback. If given correctly, feedback motivates the receiver to share responsibilities, complete task properly, and increase productivity. When the suggestion for improvement bring results and recognition, individuals are more likely to listen to future suggestions.

  • Give a speech demonstrating the importance of how you personally use feedback techniques in your daily life.
  • Use constructive evaluation to help someone improve their performance.
  • Offer support to empower them to change.
  • TIME : 5 to 7 minutes
Note to the Evaluator:
The purpose of this assignment was for the speaker to work with a partner to enact an evaluation situation and use the constructive techniques discussed in this project to provide an evaluation. In addition to your verbal evaluation, please write answers to the questions below.

Project #3: Persuade And Inspire
Executive Summary:
Motivation is complex conundrum. You need to recognize individuals' unique personal motives if you wish to motivate them to achieve their maximum potential. Show you listeners how their existing personal goals align with the goals of your Toastmasters club, an organization, or company. Use positive imagery, graphic descriptive language, and energetic gestures to convey your message. Conclude with a decisive call to action.

  • Understand the concept of motivation.
  • Use the described strategies to align the audience's goals with your objective.
  • Deliver a motivational speech and influence your audience to a specific action.
  • TIME : 5 to 7 minutes
Note to the Evaluator:
The purpose of this presentation was for the speaker, as a team leader, to deliver a five- to seven-minute motivational speech designed to persuade and inspire by making the audience understand the personal goals can be realized through the achievement of organizational goals. The delivery should make use of vivid descriptors and dynamic gestures. In addition to your verbal evaluation, please write answers to the questions below.

Project #4: Communicating Change
Executive Summary:
Change is the only constant in the universe. The challenge is persuading people not only to accept, but to embrace change. Open, sincere communication and empathy are the best methods of gaining support and instigating enthusiastic adoption of change.

  • Introduce a new idea or change to established operations or method.
  • Show the audience how the change will benefit them.
  • Overcome any resistance to the new idea and gain the audience's support.
  • TIME : 5 to 7 minutes
Note to the Evaluator:
The purpose for this presentation was for the speaker to deliver a five- to seven-minute speech introducing a new idea or change to a group. The speaker is to emphasize how the change will benefit the audience, overcome any resistance to the new idea, and gain the audience's support. In addition to your verbal evaluation, please write answers to the questions below.

Project #5: Delivering Bad News
Executive Summary:
Not every message you deliver will be a positive one. Proficient speakers must master one of the most difficult communication skills - the art of delivering bad news. Your goal for this project is to delivery bad news in a positive, professional, respectful way. Preparation and organization are vital to successfully accomplish this goal.

  • Deliver bad news with tact and sensitivity.
  • Organize your speech appropriately for your audience.
  • Conclude with a pleasant note and maintain the audience's goodwill
  • TIME : 5 to 7 minutes 
Note to the Evaluator:
The speaker has the option of organizing a five- to seven-minute speech designed to deliver bad news to a group or to role play a scenario (with a partner) delivering bad news to an individual. It is recommended that you read the entire project before the presentation. In addition to your verbal evaluation, please write answers to the questions below.

For more information:
Item 226F

Friday, November 20, 2015

Final Round (決賽), 17th Malaysia National Lion Dance Championship 2015 (第十七屆馬來西亞全國舞獅錦標賽)

2015 17th Malaysia National Lion Dance Championship (第十七屆馬來西亞全國舞獅錦標賽), Final Round (決賽) organized by Resort World Genting.

The videos of each performance are in accordance to the list teams below. To view the list of videos, click on the playlist link here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPs9ip2EgDcJoIGoIa9yVXOYnrR7zEJTw

Top 10 finalist, performance sequence (出場序);

  1. 雪蘭莪光藝龍獅體育會 Persatuan Tarian Naga dan Singa Kwong Ngai Balakong, Seri Kembangan, Selangor
  2. 斗湖藝術文化體育會醒獅團 Pertubuhan Kebudayaan Kesenian dan Kesukanan Tawau
  3. 彭亨關丹建造行醒獅團 Kelab Tarian Singa Persatuan Pembinaan Kuantan, Pahang
  4. 吉打州弘德體育會龍獅團 Pertubuhan Tarian Naga dan Singa Hong Teik, Alor Setar, Kedah
  5. 丹瑪安滿龍獅運動協會 Kelab Tarian Naga dan Singa Taman Aman
  6. 檳城美湖文化及體育會 Penang Meihu Culture and Sport Association
  7. 士拉央弘德體育會龍獅團 Hong Teck Dragon and Lion Dance Association
  8. 麻坡關聖宮龍獅團 Kun Seng Keng Lion and Dragon Dance Association Muar
  9. 武吉巴西關聖宮龍獅團 Kun Seng Keng Lion and Dragon Dance Association Bukit Pasir
  10. 吉隆坡光藝醒獅團 Kwong Ngai Lion Dance

Consultant: Selangor & Federal Territory Dragon & Lion Dance Association.
Venue: Arena of Stars, Genting Resort World
Date: 15 November 2015 (Sunday)

Semi Final Round (半決賽), 17th Malaysia National Lion Dance Championship 2015 (第十七屆馬來西亞全國舞獅錦標賽)

2015 17th Malaysia National Lion Dance Championship 2015 (第十七屆馬來西亞全國舞獅錦標賽), Semi Final Round (半決賽) organized by Resort World Genting.

The videos of each performance are in accordance to the list teams below. To view the list of videos, click on the playlist link here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPs9ip2EgDcLGsLAPfF4ust-xNaOPm6xU.

Performing Teams;
  1. 麻坡關聖宮龍獅團 Kun Seng Keng Lion and Dragon Dance Association Muar
  2. 彭亨關丹丹那布爹中學文化協會醒獅團 Pasukan Tarian Singa Kelab Kebudayaan SMK Tanah Putih Kuantan,Pahang
  3. 彭亨關丹建造行醒獅團 Kelab Tarian Singa Persatuan Pembinaan Kuantan, Pahang
  4. 武吉巴西關聖宮龍獅團 Kun Seng Keng Lion and Dragon Dance Association Bukit Pasir
  5. 永平馬青龍獅團 Yong Peng M.C.A China Lion Dance
  6. 拿篤潮州公會醒獅團 Persatuan Teo Chew Lahad Datu
  7. 雪蘭莪光藝龍獅體育會 Persatuan Tarian Naga dan Singa Kwong Ngai Balakong,Seri Kembangan, Selangor
  8. 斗湖藝術文化體育會醒獅團 Pertubuhan Kebudayaan Kesenian dan Kesukanan Tawau
  9. 沙巴亞庇三聖宮體育會龍獅團 Kelab Tarian Singa San Shen Gung Kota Kinabalu Sabah
  10. 吉隆坡光藝醒獅團 Kwong Ngai Lion Dance
  11. 檳城美湖文化及體育會 Penang Meihu Culture and Sport Association
  12. 士拉央弘德醒獅團 Hong Teck Sport Centre
  13. 吉隆坡大同白鶴醒獅團 Tai Tong White Crane Lion Dance
  14. 檳城大山腳馬章武莫青年會醒獅團 Tarian Singa Persatuan Belia Perkampungan Machang Bubok
  15. 吉打州弘德體育會龍獅團 Pertubuhan Tarian Naga dan Singa Hong Teik, Alor Setar, Kedah
  16. 士拉央弘德體育會龍獅團 Hong Teck Dragon and Lion Dance Association
  17. 丹瑪安滿龍獅運動協會 Kelab Tarian Naga dan Singa Taman Aman
  18. 雪蘭莪梳邦群樂體育會 Khuan Loke Dragon and Lion Dance Association, Subang, Selangor
  19. 加影育華龍獅團 Yu Hua Dragon and Lion Dance Association
  20. 沙威文青龍獅團 Persatuan Tarian Naga dan Singa Wen Ching

Consultant: Selangor & Federal Territory Dragon & Lion Dance Association.
Venue: Arena of Stars, Genting Resort World
Date: 14 November 2015 (Saturday)

Tuesday, July 28, 2015

2015 4th Malaysia National Traditional Lion Dance Championship (第四屆馬來西亞全國南獅傳統公開賽)

2015 4th Malaysia National Traditional Lion Dance Championship (第四屆馬來西亞全國南獅傳統公開賽). YB Ean Yong Hian Wah Cup (YB歐陽捍華杯) 26/07/2015

4th Malaysia National Traditional Lion Dance Championship banner

The videos of each performance are in accordance to the teams listing below. To view the list of videos, click on the playlist link here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPs9ip2EgDcKZ8p7uwb5_hbm5B5tLDU3r

Performing Teams:

  1. 馬來西亞拜天公宇宙神聖運動 | Malaysia Baitiangong Universal Spiritual Movement.
  2. 雪隆鴻威南北 龍獅團 | Hong Wei Lion Dance Malaysia.
  3. 柔佛東甲金山體育會龍獅團 | Johor Tangkak Ledang Sports Association Lion Dance Troop.
  4. 甲洞弘德體育會 | Kepong Hong Teck Sports Association.
  5. 蒲種龍威文藝龍獅團 | Long Wei Lion Dance Troupe.
  6. 吉隆坡光藝醒獅團 | Kuala Lumpur Kwong Ngai Lion Dance Troop.
  7. 馬六甲文威龍獅體育會 | Persatuan Tarian Singa Dan Naga Wen Wei.

Venue: Metro Point Kajang
Date: 26 July 2015 (Sunday)

Thursday, July 23, 2015

17th Malaysia National Lion Dance Championship (第十七屆馬來西亞全國舞獅錦標賽)

2015 17th Malaysia National Lion Dance Championship (第十七屆馬來西亞全國舞獅錦標賽), Preliminary Rounds (初賽) organized by Resort World Genting.

17th Malaysia National Lion Dance Championship poster

The videos of each performance are in accordance to the list of districts and teams below. To view the list of videos, click on the playlist link here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPs9ip2EgDcIcaPQidiH16G65uK-9oNOw

北馬區 (Northern Region) | 出場序 (Sequence)
1. 彭亨關丹關帝廟武術醒獅團 | Kelab Tarian Singa Persatuan Penganut Ajaran Buddah Kuan Ti Kuantan, Pahang.
2. 彭亨丹那布爹中學文化協會醒獅團 | Pasukan Tarian Singa Kelab Kebudayaan SMK Tanah Putih Kuantan, Pahang .
3. 吉玻龍獅體育會 | Pertubuhan Tarian Naga Dan Singa Kedah/Perlis.
4. 彭亨關丹建造行武術醒獅團 | Kelab Tarian Singa Persatuan Pembinaan Kuantan, Pahang.
5. 檳城美湖獅藝研究學院 | Penang Meihu Lion Dance Research Association.
6. 霹靂江沙昭惠廟龍獅團 | Persatuan Kebudayaan Tarian Naga Dan Singa Chiau Hooi Beo Kuala Kangsar, Perak.
7. 吉打州弘德體育會龍獅團 | Persatuan Kebudayaan Tarian Naga Dan Singa Hong Teik Alor Setar Kedah.
8. 檳城美湖體育及文化協會 | Penang Meihu Cultural And Sports Association.
9. 檳城大山腳馬章武莫青年會醒獅團 | Tarian Singa Persatuan Belia Perkampungan Machang Bubok.
10. 霹靂江沙斗母宮龍獅團 | Persatuan Tarian Naga Dan Singa Tow Boo Keong Kuala Kangsar.

南馬區 (Southern Region) | 出場序 (Sequence)
11. 永平馬青龍獅團 | Yong Peng M.C.A. China Lion Dance.
12. 森州文丁軍警龍獅團 | Persatuan Bekas Pasukan Keselamatan Negara Malaysia Mantin.
13. 麻坡獅人協會 | Persatuan Sri Singa Muar.
14. 沙威西南宮龍獅團 | Persatuan Penganut Agama Buddah Xi Nan.
15. 沙威文青龍獅團 | Persatuan Tarian Naga Dan Sing Wen Ching.
16. 麻坡關聖宮龍獅團 | Kun Seng Keng Lion And Dragon Dance Association Muar.
17. 丹瑪安滿龍獅運動協會 | Kelab Tarian Naga Dan Singa Taman Aman.
18. 森州桂青文藝協會龍獅團 | Persatuan Kesenian Gui Qing N. S.
19. 新山關聖宮龍獅團 | Kun Seng Keng Lion And Dragon Dance Association Johor Bharu.
20. 武吉巴西關聖宮龍獅團 | Kun Seng Keng Lion And Dragon Dance Association Bukit Pasir.

中馬區 (Central Region) | 出場序 (Sequence)
21. 雪蘭莪雙溪威群樂體育會 | Khuan Loke Dragon & Lion Dance Association, Sungai Way, Selangor.
22. 甲洞友誼健身社醒獅團 | Persatuan Pendidikan Jasmani Friendship W. P. Selangor.
23. 吉隆坡大同白鶴醒獅團 | Tai Tong White Crane Lion Dance.
24. 雪隆炫武龍獅公會 | Persatuan Tarian Naga Dan Singa Xuan Wu Selangor Dan Kuala Lumpur.
25. 梳邦弘德體育會 | Persatuan Tarian Singa Subang Hong Jing.
26. 國興醒獅團 | Kok Hing Dragon & Lion Dance.
27. 雪蘭莪梳邦群樂體育會 | Khuan Loke Dragon & Lion Dance Association, Subang, Selangor.
28. 吉隆坡光藝醒獅團 | Kwong Ngai Lion Dance.
29. 吉隆坡光輝獅藝醒獅團 | Kwong Fei Shi Ngai Lion Dance.
30. 士拉央弘德醒獅團 | Hong Teck Sport Centre.
31. 馬來西亞創價學會幼獅武術團 | SGM Young Lion Dance Martial Arts Troupe.
32. 士拉央弘德體育會龍獅團 | Hong Teck Dragon and Lion Dance Selayang.
33. 加影育華龍獅團 | Yu Hua Dragon and Lion Dance Association
34. 雪蘭莪光藝龍獅體育會 | Persatuan Tarian Naga Dan Singa Kwong Ngai Balakong, Seri Kembangan, Selangor

Consultant: Selangor & Federal Territory Dragon & Lion Dance Association.
Venue: Viva Home Shopping Mall (吉隆坡), Cheras.
Date: 18 July 2015 (Saturday)